Sofia var namnet

"livet deluxe"


Publicerad 2011-07-09 02:20:45 i Skitsnack,

now i'm gonna write in english again cause i'm on Ingelas computer and it's easier then to use the phone. hope you'll understand! (you can always use google translate, haha)

today has been a hangover day! damn, i went to bed 6.15 this morning and three hours later Ingela wake us up, still drunk. we had an appointment, pedicure! so now my feets are like the best in the world, haha.

we went out in old town last night. it was crazy i just say.
tonight were goin out with Victoria! looooong time since we were out in Sweden so were gonna have sooooo fun! and leo is coming to. i'm pretty nervous about that.


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